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Fish Juice: Zine-Making Workshop


Fish Juice: Zine-Making Workshop

Past event
San Francisco based zine maker, Fish Juice, will be hosting a zine-making workshop focussing on alternative methods of bookmaking and storytelling. At the workshop, participants will have a variety of zine styles and techniques to try, as well as different materials to experiment with. The workshop is free and open to the public, no prior zine-making experience required.
multicolored and sized zines from Fish Juice assorted randomly on a table
multicolored and sized zines from Fish Juice assorted randomly on a table
Courtesy of Edie Trautwein

Fish Juice Media is an interdisciplinary media production project that focusses on experimental videos and zines. Fish Juice has a distinct point of view, centered around collaboration and creativity.

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Person in light color outfit standing at a microphone stand in front of a large seated crowd
Person in light color outfit standing at a microphone stand in front of a large seated crowd

July 14–September 3, 2023
